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Questions Infantiles

see; do you see........the sea?

Why do we everyday wakeupgotoschoolcomebackhomehaveabatheatgotobedwakeupgotoschoolcomebackhomehaveabatheatgotobedwakeup..........

do you like it?

can this also happen to us?

what is after "one"?



το φεγγάρι ποιός το ζωγράφισε; || who painted the moon?

τα ψαράκια ονειρεύονται; || do fish dream?

έχει υπάρχει λύκος; || does it have, is there wolf?

αφού ο θεός μένει στον ουρανό τότε γιατί δεν τον βλέπω; || since god lives in the sky then why don't i see him?

σήμερα είναι αύριο; || today is tomorrow?

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